Sunday, December 2, 2012

Landies and gents, we have a ONE YEAR OLD!

Jack turned one on November 29th!  I know I say this every month, but  I absolutely can't believe it.  It seems like yesterday when we welcomed our little buddy in the world.  It has been a whirlwind of a year.  We have learned more about life and ourselves in the last year than our lives leading up to the birth of Jack.  It's amazing what a life changing experience it is to have a baby- life will never be the same.  Parenting is no joke, it can be really tough sometimes.  Lucky for me, I have an extremely loving husband and Jack has the best dad.  Dan and I both have awesome examples of what parents are. I have a whole new respect for my parents and all they have done for my family.  I am so so happy Jack joined our family- it is by far the biggest blessing in my life.  We have so much fun every day.

Here's his 12 month stats:                                        Here's his birthday stats:
Weight- Just under 26 lbs                                        Weight- 9lbs 1 oz
Length- 29.5 inches                                                    Length- 20.5 inches
Head Circumference- 18 3/4 inches                   Head Circumference- 14 inches

Jack is officially a walker!  What a big guy!

Jack is happy as always (most of the time).  He is such a curious little guy- always getting into things.  He can climb up our stairs so fast now!  I don't know where the time went, but Jack is turning into a toddler... it's crazy.  He's starting to play like a little boy now.  He's still obsessed with any ball.. he freaks out saying "baaaallll!!!" every time.  It's hilarious!

We gave Jack his very own delicious chocolate cake for his birthday thinking he'd freak out and love it.  He eats pretty much anything we give him, but turns out he doesn't like chocolate!  He actually really didn't like it at all.  Normally Jack is a brute and loves throwing things and whatnot, but he wasn't very interested in the cake at all. 

We love Jack so much and have had so much fun with him this past year.  I'm excited to see what life brings us.


  1. Love you all... you are right, being a parent bring a whole new perspective to live by. We get to figure out what is really important. I would also like to add to your post, that Jack has such a good Mama. Love you more then you know.

    Your Big Sissy

  2. Oh my gosh!!! I totally lol-ed when I saw that last pic of Jack eating his cake. So cute!!! Couldn't agree e you more about being a's such a blessing and a huge responsibility. It's great, even though sometimes I wanna pull my hair out :-)

  3. I love him! So funny that he didnt want the cake- that picture of him looking discusted is a good one!
