Monday, April 30, 2012

Jack is 5 months old!

Yesterday was Jack's 5 month birthday- totally crazy it's already been 5 months.  He's getting bigger and bigger (funny how that happens, huh?) and his personality is starting to show more every day.  He's a total cheeser, its so cute to watch him smile, laugh, and talk all day.  He is always rolling around and digging his heels into the ground to scoot along.  He started a few new "tricks" in the last week:  if you open and close your mouth (like you're saying Mamma), he'll copy!  I have to say its one of the cutest things I've ever seen.  His other "trick" is grabbing anything, especially blankets or burp cloths and chewing on them (would you call that a trick?).  Jack also loves bath time.  He's getting so good at splashing, he'll soak Dan and I when we're bathing him.  It's so funny!   
Jack is still teething, but nothing has popped through yet, poor guy.  Poor everyone in our house really- no one is getting to sleep through the night.  I can't remember what its like to sleep though the night actually!  He usually wakes up around 2am and 6am, but then there's last night were we were up at least a handful of times.  Good thing he's so good at melting hearts!
 I LOVE my little guy so so much, its crazy.  I always knew I would love my kids, but I seriously didn't know it was possible to love him this much.  What a guy!

Here's his 5 month stats:                                         Here's his birthday stats:
Weight- 19lbs                                                               Weight- 9lbs 1 oz
Length- 27 inches                                                       Length- 20.5 inches
Head Circumference- 17.5 inches                       Head Circumference- 14 inches

Dan and I are doing great.  Dan is so busy with this crazy quarter, but doing awesome.  He's so smart and works so hard.  I'm so proud of him.  He'll be in clinic working on actual patients next quarter, so that will be fun!  I'm staying really busy with Jack and having a lot of fun doing so.  I'm also staying really busy working out.  I have a few ribs out of place from pregnancy, so that put a damper on the CrossFit competition in a few weeks which was a huge bummer to find out, but I'm getting better slowly.  I'll be a judge at the competition, so that's better than nothing!  Here's a bunch of pictures of Jack from the last few weeks!

He was obviously done taking pictures

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Rice Cereal

Hey look what I can do!  I ate rice cereal today for the first time.  Yum! 
Jack was smacking his lips and going crazy for this stuff.  He was hilarious!

Jack went and got his 4 month shots yesterday :(  When I was 14, it was my decision to put my best buddy and dog, Barkley, to sleep.  That was hands down the hardest thing I've had to do in my life.  Next to that, however, would be letting the nurses give Jack his shots.  It makes me sick to hear him scream like that, but I know it'll help him.  In better news, Jack is 85th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height and head circumference.  I love my big boy!